More blooms

I could take pictures every day in the garden. These paniculata might not equal the splendour of what you might find at Hydrangea World, but they certainly look nice potted to the side of the front door of my master’s house.


The weather has finally turned seasonably warm for the first time in weeks. Even though I can get a wee bit sweaty under my tunic, the flowers are loving the bright sunshine and I’m happy to report blooms on the nasturtium I planted along the stone wall at the back of the garden.

Balloon Seed Bombs

What a clever idea the wee folks at studio TX came up with … a seed bomb balloon with garden gnomes painted upon them. My German is a bit rusty (perhaps I need to send this to a relative to be translated), but the balloons made their debut at the Temporary Garden installation in Aachen… Continue reading Balloon Seed Bombs

Weight watcher

It is becoming increasingly harder watching the waistline now that it has come into berry season. I’m a sucker for a wee little piece of tart or cobbler on a nightly basis. I’ve had to put up some netting to keep the birds away from the patch, though I am nice enough to put out… Continue reading Weight watcher

Putting the fun in fungus

Though the rain has been oppressive over the Summer, it has helped the mushrooms grow. Mushroom season continues into October and I hope to gather some Agaricus campestris in the next few days. I came across several fairy rings of them yesterday.